15 definitions by idonthavaname

Something nerds do on a regular basis. They pretend to be different characters and do battles/yiff or something like that.
It's easy to understand why nerds and other losers of the like spend most of their time role playing, pretending to be magical elves and shit on the internet; their pretending to be someone their not. Lol...
by idonthavaname July 28, 2007
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1. A sick, retarded, and idiotic species whose degree of intelligence makes life and reality worse off than it could be.

2. Something racists just can't realize.

3. The root of all problems.
1. Martian: Dude, the humans just started another war over a puddle of water.

Other Martian: Really? Last week it was a tree, they are really embarrassing themselves.

Martians: Yeah, but still, they make nice fireworks.

2. If I think on it long enough, I'll feel like shit knowing what our reality looks like...
by idonthavaname August 2, 2006
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1. When the retarded and pathetic efforts set forth by humanity are ended.
Dude, when's the apocalypse coming?

According to my calculations, in 6 minutes.

I can't wait man...
by idonthavaname July 30, 2006
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A term used by hicks in Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire to describe people who come from other states; usually a negative connotation used by hicks because they are envious that people from others states know how to make money and can't realize that you won't make cash worth a barrel of shit on a farm or a gas station out in the woods.
Flatlanders know how to live. Get a life, you damn hicks.
by idonthavaname September 23, 2006
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1. A loser who walks on red carpets and gets more eyes than a Shelby Cobra.

2. Someone who gets money that they don't deserve.

3. Someone who is perceived a deity in American culture.
Stop focusing on celebrity issues. Who cares who got married/divorced/cheated on/or has a baby, everyone else does!

And for those damn teenage girls: Ignore these people, they are not important, they are not a role model who you believe is posisitive influence.

I condemn celebrities because they are stuck-up morons who can't do anything good for the world and are a distraction to real issues. They are artificial people, and I am not jealous of them, just don't pay any attention to them, and anything so see in a damn supermarket or whatever, don't buy it if you see their name/face on it. It's pointless shit, really, it is...
by idonthavaname August 4, 2006
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1. A person or robot you receive in a commercial call.

2. One of those times its O.K. to feel like you wanna kill someone.

3. Makes you wish you had Caller ID or even a Telezapper.
"You've got four seconds to hang up this phone, you halfwit telemarketer, and never call this number again."
by idonthavaname July 19, 2006
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1. The idea that the universe revolves around humanity and humanity's interests.
Unfortunately, almost the entire human population, with the exception of some brave-hearted environmentalists, believe that humanity is more important than ANYTHING. Go ahead, kill as many zebras you need to make your goddam line of fashionable coats. OH, POOR ZEBRA! BUT NICE COAT! :D :D :D!

-Now, if it were not for animal protection laws by a few people who CARE, then this would happen all the time.

The more reason humanity deserves total eradication.

Stupid anthropocentric people!
by idonthavaname December 27, 2006
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