21 definitions by iceman

derogatory ethnic slur, used as a label when no single concrete ethnicity can be determined.
"That's the fifth time already in this one match that you've been hit by my Falcon Punch, you tickanus!"
by iceman June 4, 2004
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Greatest Band that has ever lived...with Robert Plant's vocals, and Jimmy Page's guitar skills, they defined the music known as rock!
"Joe, so I finally got the Led Zeppelin box set!"

"Whose that Erich?"

by iceman March 8, 2005
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an exclamatory expression of amazement and admiration following, and in recognition of, an impact of incredible magnitude or other momentous occasion; similarly, an action of such remarkable caliber as to warrant the use of the exclamation. Also a really fun word to say at dramatic intervals.

the performance of such an action mentioned above.

Coined in homage to the great King Bowser Koopa, who is slow-moving but significantly powerful and awe-inspiring in action.
"I'm going to bodycheck you into the electric fence, wait for it, wait for--WABOWSER!"

"The best part of that Oilers game was when Cory Cross WABOWSERed himself into the boards. Because he's Cory Cross. And he's terrible."
by iceman January 21, 2006
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Grakka was made / created by computer specialists with no time to constantly repeat 'graphics card'.
I oc'd my grakka my 5mhz!! (lol :D)
by iceman May 10, 2004
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-A car that Mitsubishi designed to ruin the racing industry. Unless it does not have 3 letters after the word Eclipse, it is a waste of plastic!

-Usually the car in the parking lot with the unpainted body kit and wing that taps street lights as it goes by.
"Hey Mike I just hooked my car up with the new SLP intake..."

"Really, I just got put an Eclipse sticker on my windsheild just in case someone cant guess what it is!"
by iceman March 8, 2005
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When you're at a club/bar and you take a girl in the bathroom, bend her over, wrap her legs around your waist, and mop the floor with her head.
After Andy politely asked everyone to leave the lady's restroom at Player's Dance Club, he gave Caroline the dirty mop.
by iceman November 9, 2004
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