12 definitions by i love tarquin

A person who appears on a bluetooth search, but you will be unable to locate or find ever again. No matter how many people there are in the room/train/church/etc.
I tried searching for 'Foxxxy' on bluetooth again. I'm beginning to think this is a tarquin.
by i love tarquin November 10, 2007
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Derived from 'cattle grid', a gridder is a person who lives on the more rural side of a road with a cattle grid. Someone who has one on their road and in front of their house is known as a 'double gridder'. It can also be applied to those who have to go over cattle grids in order to reach work. (Originated Hythe, Hampshire)
"Where do you live?"
"Sway Road."
"Oh you're such a gridder."
by i love tarquin October 26, 2007
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A holiday maker, but one from outside the local vicinity, i.e. someone holidaying in Christchurch who's from Southampton isn't a grockle. Term used on the south coast and has spread eastwards, stopping at Southampton water. Most commonly heard in the solent town of Lymington where it's used as an insult towards ignorant and usually posh tourists, those with caravans, those with five kids, a dog and granddad tagging along and those that have been coming to the town for twenty years and think they know/own the place. Most commonly heard amongst fed-up shopworkers and working-class locals. Tends not to be applied to foreign tourists as these generally tend to be considerate people when travelling and don't make a nuisance of themselves.
"Heads up, grockle in the shop!"

"I want to take out these grockles with a sniper rifle."
by i love tarquin October 26, 2007
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A diddicai is a cross between a cacker and a gypsy. Occassionally, diddicais can be found as tinker/gypsy offspring. This term is from the New Forest dialect and is very derogatory.
"See that bloke? You can tell - he's a diddicai."

"You look just like a diddicai."
by i love tarquin October 26, 2007
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Generally Hampshire, but also Dorset and Wiltshire, way of saying 'this afternoon'. Can also be said 's'arftie', depending on speaker's preference.
"Going to town s'aftie?"
by i love tarquin February 22, 2008
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In New Forest dialect, a cacker is not a chav, nor currently living on a housing estate. A cacker is someone who lives a rough lifestyle on the forest. It derives from the verb 'to cack', meaning to deficate oneself, relating to the squalid living conditions these people choose to live in. Other characteristics of the atypical cacker involve eating road-kill, selling magic mushrooms, badger-baiting, selling junk and terrorising local pubs. The addition of 'er' on the end of cacker, suggests that it was once a name, which in turn derived from a job title. In essence, a cacker is commonly treated as the non-Romany equivalent of a gypsy. Cacker can be used as a term of offence for non-cackers. A half-Romany/half-cacker is known as a diddicai.
"See Seth badger-baiting the other day? Such a cacker."

"I can't believe you bought that dress. You look like such a cacker!"
by i love tarquin October 26, 2007
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A bhangramuffin is a person of Indian or Pakistani origin who speaks in an Estuary accent, wears sportswear or clothing that went out of fashion in the 90s and often has a taste for Asian girls, known as the 'rasmaloi', but is rarely rewarded for his efforts. First found in Goodness Gracious Me in the Bhangramuffin sketch.
"Why you going after them rasmaloi, man?"
"Because I'm absolute besty. I'm a bhangramuffin!"
by i love tarquin October 28, 2007
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