5 definitions by griffinfuhrer

Yarling is the vocalization process of putting a hidden 'R' underneath every syllable in a lame way to sound soulful. Examples of bands that regularly yarl in their vocals; Matchbox 20, Nickleback, Pearl Jam
"Eddie Vedder is a yarler"

"Rob Thomas doesn't sing, he just yarls"
by griffinfuhrer November 5, 2005
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To be perodically burned and dunked in one fatal swoop While it is vary rare to see a true "Volcano Burn", they are the most extreme and powerful form of humiliation.
Eric was dunked in the volcano and burn when he told his friend that he had a wet dream involving Casey Donovan.
by griffinfuhrer January 1, 2005
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To be thoroughly humiliated or insulted to the point where you cannot return with a comeback.
Fred was "burned" by his friends for admitting to liking Limp Bizkit.
by griffinfuhrer January 1, 2005
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To be thoroughly humiliated or insulted to the point where you cannot return with a comeback. It is generally a far more severe case than a plain burn.
Eric was dunked by his friends for saying he enjoys ballet.
by griffinfuhrer January 1, 2005
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A bestofer is a person who only buys the "best of" albums of artists and that is all that he listens to, hence "bestofer".
Sean says he is a Jethro Tull fan but he only owns the Best Of Album. Hence he is a bestofer.
by griffinfuhrer January 2, 2005
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