7 definitions by gorky5


by gorky5 April 1, 2003
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Popular gossip website, overrun by a number of people who aren't as cool as they'd like to be. Temperamental.
by gorky5 April 1, 2003
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cock dock

Any receptacle into which a penis can be inserted
a vagina, an anus, a mouth
by gorky5 April 1, 2003
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Something ancient that everybody knows. Usage originated with the sarcastic statement "Corn laws repealed!", a variant of "Earth comes into being: Big Bang suspected". Used mainly by tossers who think they're at the cutting edge of everything, or by people wary of being made to look less-than-hip by aforementioned tossers.
"Apologies if this is corn, but has anyone heard the latest David Beckham rumour?" "Jesus fuck, that's so corn!" etc.
by gorky5 April 1, 2003
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Manouevre usually found in porn films. Means 'ass to mouth'
by gorky5 April 1, 2003
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Three cock gob. Gob is a colloquial term from the north of England, meaning mouth. The term refers less to sexual feats than it does to a person with a generally wide mouth.
"Ah yes, that TV presenter Alex Jones has a right 3CG on her"
by gorky5 February 9, 2005
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dirty beppe

Similar to dirty sanchez, but involved spreading the shit down the sides of the mouth too. Taken from the character Beppe from the BBC soap EastEnders, who had a comedy Craig David style beard.
by gorky5 April 1, 2003
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