4 definitions by gets

To have sex with a particularly large and/or undesireable female. Derived from Moby Dick, the great white whale.
Jim was so drunk last night he pulled a moby.
by gets September 23, 2003
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ones attraction to the human bottom.
willa sneeffed her dog. she does it every tuesday because she likes to.
by gets December 29, 2021
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a bab troll is a tiny person alive and healthy sniffing around the wooden floor, there is no limit as to where the bab troll strolls but as long as you do not have a big smile on your face from the sneef you are good to go
hey john, that bab troll over there took hold of my auntie.
by gets December 29, 2021
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A flapping skin cloak, attached between my cheeks. When you pfratt, it boosts you into the air, causing you to ejaculate onto the car.
“Yeah dude, her penity activated and she was so embarrassed!”
by gets December 29, 2021
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