5 definitions by gerry80

County in Ireland that produces the best cider to get you drunk.
Even if they drank bulmers,'till they were fucked drunk,they'd still beat the shite out of Limerick.Even a 4 year old could do it for fucks sake
by gerry80 October 4, 2003
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A word used by Dubliners to emphasise something.Except they mean to use the real word bleeding,but are incapable of syaing it
Jays' I'm bleedin fucked
by gerry80 October 4, 2003
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A county in Ireland where you just don't go without carrying a knife
Fuck,he's from limerick.They're born with stanley knives in their hand
by gerry80 October 4, 2003
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A Northside Dubliner's way of saying right,but without prounouncing the "t"

So they sound a bit like they're saying roight,but it's more like roi
All roi dare bud.(They can't prounounce "there" properly
by gerry80 October 4, 2003
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Someone from Dublin, Ireland. Have pity on they because they're all wordWankers
Anything is better than being a Dubliner
by gerry80 October 4, 2003
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