11 definitions by georgton

1.from the teen girl squad saying meaning- oh ya!
2.ah crap
frank-that guys name is chad.
joe-dag yo
by georgton November 14, 2004
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a crazy lunatic like myself
*psst* that person is SOOO georgton!
by georgton November 14, 2004
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wellllllllll...itsa cow made out od=f cheese cuz he touched a cursed thingy that made the first living thing touch it turn to cheese. So It wanderes the earth in search of a blue cheese cow. Very ferocious. DO NOT ATEMPT TO EAT IT!
OMG! ITSA CHEESE COW! QUICK HOLD MY SIGN! IM GONNA GO EAT IT! (other guy takes the guys signs that reads I'M STUPID)
by georgton November 24, 2004
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jump on a rake and grab Mr.Hamel's mustache and pink bucket your duck while in your cake house. comes from the Lucanese word rake slaying
once i was a treehouse, i lived in a cake! but i never understood the way the orange slayed the rake!
by georgton November 12, 2004
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that garfoocle pink buckets!
by georgton November 12, 2004
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a rare membrane that only garfoocles have in they're waquat valve.
that garfoocle is pink buckets his squiggel diggel.
by georgton November 12, 2004
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