27 definitions by florida sunshine

The act of a woman hiding (taping down) her breasts to make people think she's a boy or man.
Hey Bob, Did you see Hilary Swank on the Oscar's Show last night in that low-cut see-through dress?? Man, she's got huge beautiful Mogambos!!! I can't believe that she had that 'closet rack' in the movie 'Boys Don't Cry'! I'm so happy to see that 'they' finally came out! Those titties are truly 'Million Dollar Babies'!!
by florida sunshine November 10, 2009
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A rather bizarre sexual practice that also involves spending a little money. The first thing you'll need is an old Grandfather Clock and a bag of Oranges. please note: A Cuckoo Clock will not work because the effect that is needed is a loud 'chime'. While having sex with your partner wait hourly until you hear the chime and shove an orange in her ass. Do this until you've got about 9 in deep. When she pleads for you to not another orange in her ass, wait for the next chime, remove 1 orange from her ass and stuff it in her mouth and say, "Orange you glad I didnt' shove another one in your ass?"
I think Sheila and I did the clockwork orange 'til around 10 this morning. I know because the clocked chimed 10 times!
by florida sunshine November 9, 2009
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Any form of caveman Spermatazoa originating from males named Fred living in a city named Bedrock. After coitus with Wilma Fred would usually wipe his 'Yabba-Dabba-Goo' on a wash-rag, push the pelican's foot to open the bird's mouth (much like a trashcan) and drop the 'Goo' covered rag into the Pelican's Mouth. The bird at this point usually would turn, look at the camera, and say, "Bwawk! And you think you've got a shitty job!!' Bwawk....'
When Barney's wife Betty Rubble undressed herself thru the window with full knowledge that Fred was watching, it caused Fred to have an 'Erocktion' and spew his 'yabba-dabba-goo' on the side of Barney's house. When Barney found out that his wife Betty showed Fred 'the goods' he made mad violent love to Betty from behind and ended it with a 'Pterodactyl Punch' to the back of Betty's head thus knocking her out. (see donkey punch)
by florida sunshine November 10, 2009
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That asshole you see everyday at your job that has his pants waist pulled all the way up to his tits. Example: Goober Pyle on the Andy Griffith Show.
Oh my God Brenda, Richard's wearing his nipple drawers to work again!
by florida sunshine November 14, 2009
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The hot girl at the party that always gives it up but insists you wear a condom
Dammit Ridge! I scored with Amber last night and thought she was finally gonna let me do her 'au natural' but the trojan whore told me to put on a rubber at the last minute.
by florida sunshine November 14, 2009
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A grouping of 3 or more teens in your sons room playing/watching Xbox Live. Usually you only see them when they leave the hive and ask you for a sandwich and drink
So Bob, how are the kids doing. Hell if I know!? They've been buzzing around in their Xbox Hive all weekend.
by florida sunshine November 14, 2009
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Normally an elegant glass for drinking Brandy but also a verb for the 'taint lover' in all of us.
Bob, you know that hot chick Heather? I fucked her all night and she forgot her panties when she left. I wore them on my head at home all day and 'snifter'
by florida sunshine November 10, 2009
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