24 definitions by flame060

What you would say when a girl trys to tick you off, but fails misribly at it.
Girl: If you want me, you'll have to go through my new bodyguard
Boy: Pfft, I could take him.
by flame060 March 29, 2005
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Must be used to find wild Piraten, unfortunatly they dont work and do nothing.

Can be found on wild Flootenkarp, but only after finding a Piraten.
My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!
by flame060 February 17, 2005
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Another annyoing internet buzz phrase.
Used as an alternative to ... as when you hold the Alt key on a standard windows keyboard, and press 0133 on the numpad, it results in three dots. (…)
Used the same as ..., its usually in responce to a dumb question made, but also used as a combo breaker.
Guy 1: What do boobs look like?
Guy 2: ...
Guy 3: ...
Guy 4: ...
Guy 5: ALT + 0133
by flame060 March 29, 2005
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A way of promoting the eroticness of an object.
I saw a website with some great pics on it! They were faptacular!
by flame060 March 29, 2005
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Another name for King Bowser.
Very horney and has the hots for Pricess peach, but who doesnt?
by flame060 February 17, 2005
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To pull a "monopoly guy" one must be a bit old, bald, a tad chubby, and most importantly, one must have a big white mustache. This results in looking enough like the monopoly mascot man.
Dude, look at that guy! He's so pulling a monopoly guy!
by flame060 April 3, 2005
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