24 definitions by Flame060

The act of rolling your ship into a wall by pressing R or Z twice on the controll pad.

Usually done in Space by a foxlike pilot.
ZZ/RR into Wall/Comet/hard surface
by Flame060 February 17, 2005
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Originating from a bully prevention TV ad. Where the bully yells, "You suck McMiller!"

Used as an Insult.

Its been used in real life so many times as a joke, its become quite the popular saying, meaning that somone isnt very good at doing somthing.
Kid 1: *dies in a video game*
Kid 2: You suck McMiller!
Kid 1: *crys*
Kid 1: *trips over a rock*
Kid 2: Man, your really Sucking McMiller today
by Flame060 March 11, 2005
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A phrase referring twoard the New York Knicks.
Its usually said to break an unplesent moment of silence.
Guy 1: I think I may be gay.
Guy 2: ...
Guy 1: ...
Guy 2: How bout dem knicks?
by Flame060 March 29, 2005
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What is said on message board to break a combo of posts.
Guy 1: How old are you all?
Guy 2: 16
Guy 3: 16
Guy 4: 16
Guy 5: 16
Guy 6: C-C-C-Combo breaker!
Guy 3: Actually I'm 15
by Flame060 March 19, 2005
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