20 definitions by enkephalin07

1) a statement, behavior or event that induces anger intense enough to table flip. This could be something extreme enough in of its own, or just the straw the broke the camel's back.

2) an individual characterized by a tendency to flip tables (literally or figuratively.)
1) When my ex with benefits hooked up with that fuckboy, that irked me. When she called to talk WHILE THEY WERE FUCKING, that was the table flipper!

2) Wait, boss isn't letting us go until 7PM? After all we've done? Ohhhhh, you can that tell to Paul if you want to see him flip a table.
by enkephalin07 November 28, 2015
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The act of pulling out in expectation of ejaculation that doesn't arrive. After doing so, a male has to decide whether he's close enough to pump it out by hand, or go back in until he's genuinely ready.

The former is the safer choice, because a premature withdrawal leaves the man less trusting of his timing for the rest of the sexual encounter.
I didn't think it was safe to go back in after a premature withdrawal. Fortunately her backdoor was open to finish in.
by enkephalin07 November 27, 2015
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A method of suicide reserved for contingency. A poison pill.
I have an exit strategy in case they interrogate me.
by enkephalin07 November 26, 2015
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Short for Peter. Peters don't tent to response to diminutive forms of their name, but they also don't overcompensate with self-promotion, such as diminutive Pete does.
"So what did you think of Pete in bed?"
"I know how he is in bed. That's why I call him Peter."
by enkephalin07 March 4, 2022
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To clench your sphincter to push out the last contents of your bladder or bowels.
"I felt like there was still more piss in me, so I kept pushing until I sphinctered out the tail of it."
"Hey, we're waiting to use the crapper, so sphincter it out already!"
by enkephalin07 November 26, 2015
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"End of Service" or "End of Support". It means the developers have deemed the software or software-as-service benefits themselves less than the community that supported it, and are now washing their hands of you goddamn swine. Oh, but please buy our sequel!
ShitUp announced an EOS for DC. But at least they promised us a virtual afterparty!
by enkephalin07 August 19, 2023
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A photobomb not only staged, but lacking any appearance of spontaneity. The prototypical photobomb from which the word derived was staged, but achieved the desired spontaneity by placing the smiling stingray against the female subjects' shoulders.

Celebrities who regularly perform photobombs for fans and memetic exposure may become adept at appearing genuine, some don't even attempt it, and some truly have the prankster spirit and timing to interject spontaneously. Other times, a celebrity photobomb may simply be an opportunistic selfie.

A photobomb's authenticity may become questionable due to image cropping; a visual composition that gives equal weight to the photobomber gives the impression the shot was taken to intentionally include them.
Jimmy Fallon thinks that if he stages enough fauxtobombs, one of them will become viral. But they all have the same expression and placement, all taken at a tourist destination.
by enkephalin07 November 28, 2015
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