A word that was come up with to express: annoyance, irritation, anger, unamusment, unimpressed, ticked, pissed off.
It is a colloquial term, often just randomly thrown into the midst of a conversation simply either because no other word would suffice, or because all of the above are being expressed at the same time.
The word was originally used in the Stargate SG1 episode 'Fragile Balance' to express O'Neill's annoyance for the sudden crashing of events upon him.
It is a colloquial term, often just randomly thrown into the midst of a conversation simply either because no other word would suffice, or because all of the above are being expressed at the same time.
The word was originally used in the Stargate SG1 episode 'Fragile Balance' to express O'Neill's annoyance for the sudden crashing of events upon him.
"I just woke up, haven't had coffee, let alone a PEE 7 days, I should currently be 'irked', Carter, should I not?"~ ep. Fragile Balance, Stargate SG1
"I thought you might still be irked at me from the other night."
"I thought you might still be irked at me from the other night."
by Special Agent Black Storm aka Kiki June 12, 2006
by red buyer August 18, 2013
The home planet of the Irken invaders, from the amazing cartoon Invader Zim. Zim is kicked out of his planet, for screwing up Operation Impending Doom. Zim doesn't know he's kicked out of Irk, he thinks he's on a special mission to take over and/or destroy the earth.
"Hi I'm kicked out of the Milkweed Academy for Wizards and Wizardry."
"That's too bad. I'm kicked out of my home planet Irk."
"That's too bad. I'm kicked out of my home planet Irk."
by Miiriam December 24, 2012
by Tadowta November 17, 2005
Stupid people irk me.
by burnclouds October 28, 2005
When you get so irritated that you eek out. When stupid heifers won't leave you alone with all their bullshit problems, and they don't seem to realize how little you truly care.
by XHotGrandmaX December 15, 2004