36 definitions by eli

1.A person who is useless
2.A drip of sweat that starts at the underside of your nuts where your ass crack starts and runs down your nuts getting your underpants wet.
Damn it is so hot I already experienced nut run.
by eli March 4, 2004
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word which expresses happiness, joy, surprise, excitement, or whatever emotion you want it to express.
Yeehoo!! !!!!!! !!!!
by eli January 16, 2005
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when you roll a joint and add some coke (cocaine) to it
did you smoke straight weed last night? naaaa we were smokin stanks!
by eli January 28, 2005
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I just had sloobies with your girlfriend.
by eli December 13, 2003
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n. fresh snow, slang for powder
We were cutting mad freshies in the pow pow up to our nippies bra
by eli February 24, 2005
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the most fantastic band that has ever existed!!!
all you need is love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by eli November 17, 2003
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when you want to decirbe something which is really good.
we had the best dinner last nigth it was something something....
by eli March 16, 2005
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