19 definitions by eapert McDangles

One who consistanly, and effortlessly, ruins the fun in a social setting; typically by acting hysterical and moody.
Why do you invite that cunt swab Fuckball Fred over on poker night, he just cries like a little bitch when we beat the shit out of him and pour molten iron in his ass. Fuck that guy.
by eapert McDangles June 11, 2006
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Stoned on an assorted variety of pyscho-active substances.
Hey freddy, what went down in class today?

I dunno, you an me was gettin stained earlier, remember?

Oh yeah... That was you?
by eapert McDangles June 11, 2006
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Slang for a Native American female's vagina; not nessecarily edible.
I'ma go down to the casino at the Reservation later and scout me out some pumpkin pie.
by eapert McDangles June 11, 2006
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1. adj; something in bad taste or is otherwise unappealing.

2. verb; to murder someone.

3. verb; to masturbate.
1. Yo Freddy, turn off the country music. That shit is whack.

2. Freddy, turn off that fuckin' country music before I go and whack ya.

3. Freddy, I said turn off the country music, I didn't say pull your johnson out and start whackin' it. The fuck?
by eapert McDangles June 29, 2006
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When a female shaves her vagina and the stubble grows back; initially this creates a very rough surface that is not a desirable region for the male to rub his "Johnson" during sex or after orgasm.
Yo Freddy, I love girls who shave their pussy, but I hate it when they let the stubble grow back and it gets all rough, that's "Sand Paper Pussy."
by eapert McDangles July 7, 2006
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One who is in the buisness of distributing cocaine.
I gotta go whack the weather man for shorting me on my 8-ball... fuckin jungle bunny.
by eapert McDangles June 11, 2006
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A derogation for a group of unappealing caucasions; also can be used to identify caucassions who ought not to be trusted.
Word up, them niggas got garbage down the block. Yo son, check the Cracker Jacks goin in the buildin. Word up, let's knock em out the box.
by eapert McDangles June 11, 2006
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