55 definitions by duckbutt

This literally refers to a seriously ugly or mangy mongrel. Said to be descrbed this way because of its non-doglike penchant for eating the insides of eggs.

Metaphorically, it can be applied to a person (almost always male) who is out-and-out riff-raff: one of the inbred corps.
Ole Billy Bob was just an egg-sucking dog.
by duckbutt August 1, 2006
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The douchebag index (DBI) is a statistic that yields the number of days since a person last bathed. It is found by multiplying the number of visible tattoos (VT) by the number of missing teeth (MT).

This dude's douchebag index is 27, meaning that he hasn't bathed in about four weeks. He has nine gross tattoos and three missing teeth.
by duckbutt December 22, 2007
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A person's remoras are a personal retinue of sycophants that maintain the fragile esteem of an important person and bask in that person's reflected glory. They do not serve some instrumental purpose. such as bodyguards or assistants, but are merely a mobile personal cheering squad.
You can always expect that stars and media celebrities with have their remoras in tow.
by duckbutt April 13, 2006
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The mythical hairy man-beast allegedly living in the Honey Island Swamp in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.
Ever since Katrina, no one's seen the Wookie any more; chances are that he shaved and moved to Dallas and will start for the Cowboys.
by duckbutt March 4, 2006
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In negotiations or in a hierarchy, this is a strategy of holding back the commitment of some resources. The plan is that they might be subsequently required by a customer or superior and, when provided, gives them the sense that they have gained a considerable concession. This is named after Gypsy Rose Lee (1911-1970), American ecdysiast (stripteaser), who advised a stripper to pretend that she had completed her disrobing but still had one or more garments that could be removed and had been planned to do so. This caused the customers to clamor for her to remove more, and when she would seemingly reluctantly did so, it would, give them the sense of having gotten something extra.
On my original proposal, I used the Gypsy Rose Lee strategy by not listing some things that were planned because I knew that they would be requested and I wanted to give the impression of them having gained some big concessions.
by duckbutt January 26, 2007
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This is an acronym for unusually nasty infection; vultures are circling.
That one has a UNIVAC; give him a Bible so he can study for the finals. He's gonna die.
by duckbutt April 13, 2006
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This was a 1960's style hat consisting of a beanie-style cap with small brim in front and often with school initials or logo, once optimistically 'required' of freshman males at certain universities. To be seen in one permanently labeled one as a dork.

Rat caps seem to be making a comeback, as ironic retro wear.
Freshmen were supposed to wear rat caps while on campus at Georgia Tech. You risked the penalty of having your scalp shaved if you didn't.
by duckbutt September 23, 2006
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