16 definitions by dkarez4u

A play on words used to describe a woman who claims to be aware of what's going on around her but constantly makes errors of judgment. An airhead
Miss obervant over there just got her purse stolen for the third time by forgetting to close her bag while riding the subway
by dkarez4u June 18, 2005
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Yo I got six-pack abs you just have to drink the first 18 cans to see it!
by dkarez4u May 16, 2005
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A real jerk, an idiot, a dumbass, someone who is clueless.
no more room in this car wait for the next damn train you Shmendrik.
by dkarez4u May 16, 2005
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ebonics: the uneducated way of asking "where are you". an urban expression that is usually spoken on the telephone to determine someone's location. This expression has been used for years in the hood and has been around long before cell phones existed.
by dkarez4u May 16, 2005
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adj: (also ordelic) describes a situation where one would experience a stressful, traumatic or otherwise uncomfortable event ot series of events
Jason's visit to the department of motor vehicles was ordealic because he waited on line for about four hours and visited many clerks only to be told that the vehicle he had purchased was stolen.
by dkarez4u March 17, 2010
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Stupid Bitch Disease - A disease genetically passed down from Adam that afflicts most men that attracts them to and causes them to deal with and stay with stupid bitches.

It all started in the Garden of Evil when the stupid bitch ate the apple and convinced Adam to do the same which comdemed all mankind to mortal Hell
Tom has got a really bad case of SBD. His girl runs all over him but he keeps coming back. If he’s not careful it’s going to turn into a full blown case of PBD
by dkarez4u August 18, 2011
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a urban game where the loser of some contest (Basketball's 21 game or a one on one game) must bend over to expose his ass and accept getting hit in the ass by some object. usually a basketball
You lost man now give up the boonks.
My game- boonks up man.
Take your boonks like a man.
by dkarez4u May 16, 2005
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