246 definitions by dj gs68

Pictures of a woman's breasts with "Sonic CulT" written on them. Originated in Sonic CulT.
by dj gs68 October 20, 2003
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The term most commonly used for the game Beatmania, the music action game that started the whole BEMANI series.
No way I'm playing 5-Key Beatmania at some stupid kids' arcade.
by dj gs68 May 10, 2003
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The most retarded thing since clowns. It's the reason why 1/4 of teenagers are FUCKED UP. Those of you who think it's good are addicted and have had your mind altered by those retarded substances.
I don't do drugs because one hit could either be:

1. harmless
2. harmful
3. my last (in other words, fatal)
by dj gs68 June 27, 2003
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The highest school grade ever. There are 2 reasons people hate people with A+'s:

1. They're kinda jealous.
2. The people who get them are despised because instead of partying and drinking beer until they couldn't see straight lines or breathe anymore, they spent nights studying for that final exam so they won't get SWORDED! by their parents.
I got an A+, then when some punk saw me with that, he tried to shoot me, but only shot cars behind me causing their alarms to go off.
by dj gs68 July 13, 2003
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The single most Engrish game ever, beating out Zero Wing (which has only 2 Engrish parts: The intro and the ending). It's a side-scrolling shooter game like Zero Wing, only with way better graphics, many ships to choose from (can you saw "offensiv" and "diffensiv" ships?), and can be found on Neo-Geo machines. Phrases in the game include:

- Get it more!
- Collected all panels! (before getting all of them)
- Collect all lucky panels! (after getting all of them)
- Hey poor player!
- Are you serious?
- Watch out! The big one is closing in!
- It's coming! Destroyed the space colony!
- Avoid all?
- Stage (something): The Guardian's Criff
- Stage (something): The Crooked Embryo
I couldn't get past stage 3 in Blazing Star due to the stupid Engrish.
by dj gs68 July 8, 2003
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A board on GameFAQs with actual, intelligent discussions, unlike Life, the Universe, and Everything. You don't need a high user level to get in, but you can't get in initally either.
I asked how to play Thirteen on CE, it worked; I asked on LUE, no one responded.
by dj gs68 May 15, 2003
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What the authors of most of the definitions for school, homework, DDR, and parents need to learn.
People can't just accept school and homework. They're there so you can get a good, high-paying job. Not drug dealing, not a McDonald's cashier, not prostitution.
by dj gs68 October 24, 2003
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