4 definitions by dexbuddy

The only law is that you can't NOT drink.
As president of the United States of Bromerica, I now instill the law of Brohibition until I'm too wasted to remember I instilled a law.
by dexbuddy May 7, 2009
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The first bonfire of the season. Always accompanied with drinks and lawn games.
Broseph1: Broseph, I know you're coming to Wake the Dragon at my place on Saturday.

Broseph2: You know it Broseph!
by dexbuddy May 24, 2009
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To adorn a notebook or bedroom with Twilight related phrases such as "EDWARD CULLEN IS SO HAWT!!!" and "VAMPIRES ARE BETTER LOVERS <3" This is a typical behavior of middle school girls.
Tiffany cullenated her room after she saw "Twilight" in theatres 5 nights in a row.
by dexbuddy December 6, 2008
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Make Sweet Love To My Life

A much more romantic and thoughtful statement than FML.
What? The test was moved up to today? MSLTML!
by dexbuddy December 8, 2009
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