5 definitions by dantheman73
Although my wife was mad about her project being 2 weeks overdue I got The Wrath Of Rice when i asked her where the remote was
by dantheman73 October 31, 2010
A fart that makes a crackling sound that either ends up smelling not so much like roses or leaving a rosebud in your underpants
by dantheman73 July 7, 2010
to put someone down verbally originally I found this in wrestling personaility Eric Bischoff's autobiography CONTROVERSEY CREATES CASH
"I took a piss on Sean"
by dantheman73 March 20, 2009
A girl who you know is taken (married has a boyfriend etc.) but you hang out and feel a vibe resulting in talking to yourself about her in front of a mirror
“One drink and that’s it. Don’t be rude. Drink your drink… do it quickly. Say good night… and go home. You see this is a moral test of one’s self, whether or not you can maintain loyalty. Because being loyal is very important. You’re gonna go out there and say, ‘Good night, I’ve had a very lovely evening’… walk out the door, go home, jerk off, and that’s all you’re gonna do.” Vincent Vega in front of a mirror after his date with Mia Wallace PULP FICTION (1994)
“One drink and that’s it. Don’t be rude. Drink your drink… do it quickly. Say good night… and go home. You see this is a moral test of one’s self, whether or not you can maintain loyalty. Because being loyal is very important. You’re gonna go out there and say, ‘Good night, I’ve had a very lovely evening’… walk out the door, go home, jerk off, and that’s all you’re gonna do.” Vincent Vega in front of a mirror after his date with Mia Wallace PULP FICTION (1994)
"Oh man this girl is amazing she loves WWE and Bray Wyatt but she's married Oh well that makes her a Vincent Vega Mirror Girl"
by dantheman73 July 26, 2021
When your wife,girlfriend or female friend complain about you getting one dish (i.e macaroni and cheese) at a buffet restaurant when there are a variety of dishes. Named for my friend when she jokingly chastised me for getting just macaroni and cheese at a buffet restaurant
My wife hit me with the wrath of Stormie when we were at Old Country Buffet and all I got was grilled cheese
by dantheman73 July 7, 2010