12 definitions by dan1456

The words at the beginning of a diary entry written by someone who can't think of anything to write or thinks their diary is alive.
Dear diary... today was the worst and best day of my life.

To conclude, my dearest diary, I spent all day in McDonalds with some chavs.
by dan1456 February 2, 2008
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1) People who admire Hitler.

2) People who are like Hitler.

3) G.W. Bush and his cronies
Average person: Argh I am so annoyed at that hitlerite, George Bush, for stuff. He's messed so much up.
by dan1456 February 2, 2008
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One of 2 possibilities:

1) A security hole in IE that leaves the user open to viruses and spyware.

2) A bug in the way the hopeless browser renders a webpage when every other browser displays it correctly
Web designer 1: Man, what's happened to my page? It looked great when I designed it in Firefox

Web designer 2: Dude, that's an internet explorer bug again. Why do people even use this pile of rubbish anymore. *Sighs*
by dan1456 February 2, 2008
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A fan of the Linux operating system stereotyped to be a geek because of the need to memorise hundreds if not thousands of commands to actually use the computer.

They are usually very defensive of their operating system and hate Windows users and Mac addicts alike.
Windows user: I'm just going to play Rome:Total War now
Mac user: I think I'll edit some photos or create a movie perhaps
Linux geek: I can't play games or edit photos. I'll entertain myself memorising some cryptic commands - that will help me succeed in life
by dan1456 February 2, 2008
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Something that makes a person look like a chav - clothing, cars etc.
Chav: look at my new spoilers and alloys
Non-chav: that looks so chavilicious!
by dan1456 February 2, 2008
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An insult that originates from the Simpsons where Bart calls Lisa a "dorkus malorkus" which he tells her is Latin.
Bob: Uhhh where is my car?

Frank: It's right in front of you. You're what they call a "dorkus malorkus"
by dan1456 February 2, 2008
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People who are angry at John Lennon, famous Beatles member.

Reasons for this hate might be anger at his (seemingly) liberal attitude to everything, his anti-establishmentism or just haters of his music. The reason is usually political though.

He was very much against religion which made a lot of people angry at him. Of course, this is hypocritical since he says he's so "liberal", yet he wants to force people to believe what he wants by removing religion.

Some people therefore are not angry at him for being against religion, or for his political beliefs, but for his hypocritical attitude to things
One of the John Lennon haters was Mark Chapman who shot him in 1980
by dan1456 February 2, 2008
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