28 definitions by dan the man

The opposite of an ollie. Front foot on nose and rear foot in the center of board.
Nollie is the opposite of an ollie, duh.
by dan the man February 24, 2005
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1.) A nickname for someone whose name begins with the letter "M".
2.) A nickname for someone whose name begins with the letter "M" and who abuses drugs (see smack, coke)
Yo man, Mike was all messed up on coke, so we called him M-Smack. Hehehe!
by dan the man April 9, 2004
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A useless un stoppable polish eating machine that regularly makes mistakes
Ohhh bollocks i really romeked that up!
by dan the man September 30, 2003
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A drug, which helps get you high. Mike likes to use it, and uses it several times per day.
Person 1: Where did my opium go?
Person 2: Mike stole it and now is smoking it!
by dan the man December 6, 2004
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Beast and schlitz are the two greatest beers in the world. Hell YES! I put all that shit in my cereal and eat it. WOOOO!
by dan the man May 8, 2004
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A snarf can be a guy or girl. It is someone who places their head in the toliet after a female has gone to the bathroom.
That chick didn't flush, so being the snarf that I am, I ran in there and shoved my head in the toliet.
by dan the man February 24, 2005
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