18 definitions by currybomb

When you're going down on a chick with a very smelly vagina and she has explosive diarrhea all over your face.
Dude, I was fucking this chick when she had a fucking chocolate fish bomb.
by currybomb July 29, 2010
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1. A tough situation to get out of, or a sensitive situation.
2. When a female is covered in semen and has no way to clean up quickly.
1. "Jenny was in a sticky situation after agreeing to watch her little cousin's birthday party"

2. "Jenny was in a sticky situation after giving her boyfriend road head"
by currybomb July 29, 2010
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When a fried piece of food clams fish, ect, resembles a person, place, or thing.
Dude, I was eating some fried clams at my moms house and I swear one of the fried art looked just like my ex girlfriend's vagina!
by currybomb July 29, 2010
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a common nickname for an America born Indian male; also a new and soon to be famous word existorizer.
Dude did you see currybomb today?
Nah bro, I think his parents made him study.
by currybomb July 28, 2010
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a wife beater that is somehow extremely homosexual because of design, color, or even personality of the wearer.
That kid is wearing a bright pink husband beater
by currybomb July 18, 2010
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someone who brings things into existence
That mother of 7 is a baby existorizer
by currybomb July 28, 2010
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