73 definitions by claire

a woman's body parts or when a guy grabs or makes fun or shows her body
that girl is such a cun i kno it. dude, i im going to cun that babe tonight.
by claire October 12, 2003
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'fako' is an adverb and is used to describe anything that you consider to be sub-standard, irratating, trashy, annoying or just plain stupid! to the point that it shouldnt exist.
"OMG that is sooooo fako"
"Did u see that? Fako!"
"lol fako"
by claire February 3, 2005
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where one sleeps so deep that it causes people around them to say "boy he's sleeping!" causing a sleepong sensation.
My dad is sleepong!!
by claire April 17, 2006
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Shpants are NOT clam-diggers. Shpants are long "guy style" shorts worn on girls. This term/nickname was adopted July 2002 at Camp Merri-Mac. Shpants are usually worn by surfer and skater chicks. Remember, shpants are NOT clam-diggers. For all of you that think they are, you need to stop and reconsider.
Teenie Boppers are "too cool" for shpants.
by claire February 22, 2004
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1.to sleep
2. to stay at someone elses house for the night
1. "Dude, i'm going to go crash. See you later"
2. "Is it okay if I crash here?"
by claire March 4, 2003
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This word stems from the roman word hottmanteus mean woah he's sexy! But today most teens use it instead when that can't think of something better to say...
by claire March 5, 2005
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Some define this word as shpants. For those who do, you're fully wrong. Clam-diggers are those horrible pants that just look liek they are about 6 inches too short for you. Clam-diggers do not flatter anyone. Purchase a "What not to wear" book to confirm that clam-diggers do not flatter. See the real definition for shpants defined by Claire
Wow, I have never seen someone look so horrible in pants that are too small. What are they called again? Oh yes, Clam-diggers. Let's go knock that person down, take their pants, and creamate them.
by claire February 22, 2004
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