27 definitions by catchingfire3

1. An article on wikipedia talking about wikipedia and how it is not a reliable source for fact checking.

2. When a site disses itself for falsehoods and trolls
1. "Do not use wikipedia as a source of information for wikipedia"
2. Did you hear that Wikipedia outed itself as unreliable?
Well I like to call it the Wikipedia Paradox
by catchingfire3 January 25, 2020
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Pronounced gone-a-herp-a-sif-a-lis
Gonorrhea herpes and syphilis gotten from an unprotected orgy
Dude, I think I got Gonoherpesyphilis from that orgy
by catchingfire3 October 3, 2018
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Another name for someone who masturbates.
1) Dude stop Jangling in front of me!
2) What are your plans this weekend?

Just going to Jangle my Peej

I KNEW IT! I'm friends wjth a Peej Jangler
by catchingfire3 August 4, 2019
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Pronounced Skwkintin Tore-ren-tin-oh
The enept half cousin of Quentin Tarantino from another dimension. No one has seen him since the incident.
Hey did you know that Quentin Tarantino had a mentally enept half cousin named Squintin Torentinno
by catchingfire3 October 15, 2020
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Pepe Le Pew but he is part inverted Jeep
I am Pepe Le Peej, Mademoiselle. And i would like to take you dirt riding
by catchingfire3 August 3, 2019
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Someone (Binary or Non-Binary) who is sexually attracted to anyone who try their best to do anything. Even if they are ugly, they can feel them trying there best.
Me:I've noticed when I try my hardest is when Holly gives be goo goo eyes.
Friend:Didn't you know? Holly is a Trysexual
by catchingfire3 March 1, 2019
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The studies of stupid people. not to be confused with twatology or twatonomy
This is a smart man for he has a master's degree in twatocology
by catchingfire3 June 19, 2020
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