312 definitions by but for

'Nitwit' is a deroganym.
by but for December 24, 2017
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Disrespectful, inconsiderate, and at times aggressive and ultimately hurtful marketing to help manufacturers and retailers take as much advantage of consumers as possible.
Decades ago every item sold in a store had a price tag, now the retailers don't waste energy, thus money, sticking a price tag on each item or at least displaying a sign that informs consumers the price. That is just one example of predatory marketing. My definition of 'predatory marketing' is different than a more common one which states that it is any activity instigated—usually, by the larger manufacturer—to tangibly harm or eliminate smaller competitiors.
by but for January 20, 2018
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Any person, place or thing which allows the individual who uses it or interacts with it to exert power or simply feel more powerful by interacting with it.
Some examples of power objects are famous people, movie stars, celebrities, politicians; computers , the Web; cigarettes; all vehicles; all weapons—from a knife to an atomic bomb; a penis (it helps create a life; a vagina (it can reward and also pussywip; a beautiful face or rear end—because either one or both can reel-in a man; pens—because they record ideas; all electronic devices; all buildings; highways; cookware (they let people feed themselves); beds (they let people rest and recuperate and create babies); jaccuzzies, showers; and... toilets—because they let people get rid of their body's waste products, etc. Garbage cans and "pregnancy prevention" devices (mistakenly called "birth control" devices) are also power objects because the former isolate garbage to be removed by workers, and the latter give users the power to engage in sexual intercourse but prevent a pregnancy.

And though the air and water appear to not be power objects, their correct evaluation reveals that they are extremely powerful because they are indispensable to sustain life. Therefore, fruits and vegetables can also be considered power objects.

Some examples of things which are generally not power objects are the grass; fruitless trees; clouds; the ocean; birds and most other animals, though horses, for example, could be considered power objects because they increase the rider's powers, and strong dogs—such as Dobermann Pinchers—are also power objects because they protect their owners.
by but for September 30, 2017
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A procedure which has consistently corrected a specific type of error.
The corrective the commission ordered solved the problem.
by but for October 20, 2017
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Harry was carrying a portable, handheld, life-ending mechanism in the right pocket of his pants. "Pistol" has six letters, "portable, handheld, life-ending mechanism" has 37 letters, one hyphen, and three spaces.
by but for April 23, 2021
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The ideology which advocates concise thought, analysis, speech, and/or writing and consumption.
Concisionism advocates articulating one's feelings, and thinking, analyzing, speaking, and/or writing concisely. Its adherents believe concision is so powerful that by applying it—especially at work—a nation's Gross Domestic Product will rise because workers and other professionals will communicate faster and more effectively, thereby boosting production. Another benefit of articulating things concisely is that trimming the fat from communication leaves people more time to live and that improves the quality of life and increases the amount of pleasure people can enjoy.

The members of think tanks wonder if communicating concisely would make consumers realize that they can live concisely and consume concisely, not needing to purchase unnecessary (really unneeded) products or services; be husky, plump, or obese; and stop over-consuming and also consume less.
by but for September 9, 2018
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The ideology which advocates concise thought, analysis, speech, writing, and consumption.
Concisionism advocates articulating one's feelings, and thinking, analyzing, speaking, and/or writing concisely. Its adherents believe concision is so powerful that by applying it—especially at work—a nation's Gross Domestic Product will rise because workers and other professionals will communicate faster and more effectively, thereby boosting production. Another benefit of articulating things concisely is that trimming the fat from communication leaves people more time to live and that improves the quality of life and increases the amount of pleasure people can enjoy.

The members of think tanks wonder if communicating concisely would make consumers realize that they can live concisely and consume concisely, not needing to purchase unnecessary (really unneeded) products or services; be husky, plump, or obese; and stop over-consuming and also consume less.
by but for September 9, 2018
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