312 definitions by but for

A mirror placed in the corner of a room to create the illusion that there are other rooms on the other side of the mirror.
It occurred to me that placing a vertical mirror in the corner of my living room I could create the illusion of more space and enjoy that illusion, so two-weeks ago I dared to try that and it worked. A week ago I placed another what I'll call "space-doubling mirror" on the opposite corner. Looking at the first mirror reflected on the first, or in the second at the first, more than doubles the illusion of more space. Each mirror is 1 by 5 feet.
by but for July 18, 2018
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The malicious marketing and social control strategy where corporations pay the media to make everyone consider themselves so superior they will feel disgusted of most other people and stop interacting with them. With their social interaction skills atrophied, the only way they can satisfy their innate need to interact with others is by consuming products.
Though he had read every book on his wall-to-wall bookshelf and was exceptionately intelligent, like most Americans, product-produced isolation had gotten him to only interact with his family members, rarely interact with other human beings, and satisfy his innate need to interact with others by purchasing products—such as his automobile, from which he came to derive his, in reality, dwindling self-esteem, identity and health by not walking. He also purchased one of the most powerful revolvers, books, watches, and other things, some of which he collected. But all that only led to his declining mental state, and to feel good he became an alcoholic. After attending Alcoholics Anonymous for a number of years, he stopped drinking and became an expensive cigar addict.
by but for August 9, 2018
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Selecting words to express an idea in a positive way conscious that doing so will engender positive consequences.
The chairman of the board asked the speech writer to write the announcement using positive articulation instead of the negative articulation she,—for unexplained reasons—had used. The managers were surprised to see that she worded the announcement as she did, wondered if he was a saboteur, got her fired on-the-spot, and had a different writer write the speech.
by but for October 20, 2017
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Things such as a tattoo, a body piercing, a hairstyle, a type of shoes, hat or clothing, a body movement, a way of speaking, smoking, drinking an alcoholic beberage, using a drug, watching too much television, overeating, or engaging in some other usually addictive activity which indicates that an individual exhibiting any of those things is stupid.is there
Georgia Dunkay's addiction to video games, her obesity, and seeming pessimism were her stupidity indicators.
by but for October 13, 2018
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A place or thing which can be improved, a person who is capable of improving themselves or is willing to listen to someone who wants to show them how to improve.
Eddie is not improvable, he doesn't even answer his Father's telephone calls or emails because he does not want to listen to his Father's advice. It seems he thinks he knows better.
by but for December 24, 2017
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A shorter way to say the word "non-preferential."
Apolitical, unbiased, or unpreferential individuals, media, speech, wording, or writing do not or does exist. Everyone is political, biased, and practices favoritism.
by but for April 15, 2022
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A shorter way to say the word "non-preferential."
Apolitical, unbiased, or unpreferential individuals, media, speech, wording, or writing does not exist. Everyone is political, biased, and practices favoritism.
by but for April 15, 2022
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