27 definitions by bumbleclot

when something is a pain in the ass, it's "big balls". italian-american slang.
this job is big balls.
by bumbleclot December 9, 2008
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something that all blue collar workers love to eat.
frequently heard at the jobsite: "you guys want some sunflower seeds?"
by bumbleclot January 13, 2009
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the reason why you lost your job, your 401k was wiped out, you don't have health care, your wife left you, and your dog died. there should be a country song about it.
why am i eating ramen noodles for dinner every day? the economy, man. the economy.
by bumbleclot January 30, 2009
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Blue collar does NOT simply refer to working class people. Blue collar workers are working class people whose jobs consist of MANUAL labor.

A white collar worker may also be a member of the working class. In some cases white collar workers make less money than blue collar workers.
Construction laborers are blue collar workers.
by bumbleclot May 14, 2009
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1. A compact pickup truck produced by Ford. Probably one of the shittiest, most cheaply made trucks money can buy.

2. An "elite" U.S. Army infantryman. Rangers pride themselves in physical stamina, but they are not the sharpest crayons in the box. NOT the same thing as Special Forces.
My ranger broke down again today.

Rangers can road march for 30 miles, but can't read.
by bumbleclot May 7, 2009
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