111 definitions by brittany

A person mixed wit white, black, and indian
"That caucinfrican ova there is mah gurl!"
by brittany December 13, 2003
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Okay well theres this girl jessica and me and my firend dared her to sag her saggy ass tits in my friends brother face after ripping her robe off and showing her bare nakie body as on top of him...well she kept sayin wen can i do this wen can i do this ever sicne then..shes known as sags not only beczuse she got dared to do it but its tru and she has saggy ass tits! her tits are actually so saggy that they make her have a huge hunchback!
Sags stop havin a fuckin hunchback
by brittany December 2, 2004
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when your hair is being extremely frizzy
Omg my hair is so frizmatic
by brittany March 19, 2005
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A company that created the ever popular Final Fantasy game lord knows how long ago, which was intended to be their last game, but due to the extreme liking of the game, it didn't flop like their previous attempts... it actually went on to become one of the largest RPG companies in all of history.

Anyway, after a while, they switched to Sony and it's Playstation because Sony was smart enough to realize that discs should be the media for it's video games. Discs were cheaper, had more space, were easy to manufacture, and memory cards ensured multiple disc games. Of course Nintendo had memory cards too, but people didn't buy many because cartidges look like a big memory card. Go figure.

Obviously, Nintendo must have gotten sober sooner or later, with the invention of the N64:DD (Disc Drive) which never made it to America, but would have toasted PS1. Because Nintendo was being dumb, they get what they deserve.

Anyway, around this time, FFVII was being created. Many people fell in love with it's characters, plot, gameplay, and graphics(at the time). A huge boost in Sony and Square's reputation, they just needed to make sure not to fuck it up.

FF8 sounded great at first. Great FMVs, improved graphics, love storyline, etc. Because it barely made sense, after it's novelty boost, it became a total flop. Nice waste of a good reputation. A villain who just-so-happens to have nothing to do with the story. Oh wait, she does! Oh wait- what's going on? Whos this mofo?

After this, Square obviously knew that there was something wrong. So they attempted to make FF9 everything that made FFVII and their originals great. Unfortunately, it sucked. Nice attempt, but no cookie. The last boss had nothing to do with the game, character customation was difficult, the position you were put in made you feel like beating the game would promote nothing for the first 3/4 of the game. Just along for the ride I guess. Okay game, but it 1/3 of the game didn't feel like you were promoting anything. Maybe underage sex.

Now comes our Next-gen games. Because Nintendo got smart, and decided on using the disc, a bright future was guarenteed for Square and Nintendo. Until we found out that it kinda sucked. Okay game, but it's not worth the money to buy a Gamecube, and even if you already have one, the game doesn't live up to it's worth. Better to buy at a yardsale or flea market.

Back to Sony. With the release of FFX, gamers were in for a treat. If Tidus didn't sound like a girl, I would give it a 10/10. Actually, maybe a 9/10. Anywho, it brought the 'feel' back to the story, that your actions actually promoted something. Of course, everything else didn't reflect FF's origins, but whether or not it was 'good' is up to you.
Of course, FFX had it's resolution at the end, but left us hanging. They continued with X-2, the first direct sequel. Personally, I wish I was still hanging. It's great to see what everyone is up to and what-not, but it's story and style sucked. Gameplay was okay, but didn't really reflect the story. The garmet grid could have easily been changed to job grid or something, but who am I to say?

Lets get back on track with FFXI. It definetly has the 'feel' of the originals, fused along with great gameplay, many jobs, and the fact that it is a MMORPG. Let the monthly fee be it's downfall.

Final Fantasy XII is next in line. Looks like another attempt to get back on track, fusing great gameplay with a good storyline and graphics. Of course, Ashe is made to be fucking hot, but I think that will be a trait for Final Fantasies in future generations to follow.

Things to wait for are:
-Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
-Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis
-Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
-Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cereberus
-Final Fantasy XII
-Kingdom Hearts II
-Whatever the next Enix game is
-Taking Back Sunday's next album
All the Final Fantasy games are great, just not worthy of the Final Fantasy title.

And of course, X-2. Last place.
by brittany January 7, 2005
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to walk behind someone and pull down their pants
OMG! She just shanked me!! *thong is visible while pants are around ankles*
by brittany April 18, 2005
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Rainbow BBG is byfar the hottest most amazing chapter known to mankind... People should be lucky just to join...Its just so amazing you cant even begin to understand
by brittany March 24, 2005
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