7 definitions by blueagave

Term for show business or the entertainment industry. According to Craig Ferguson of the Late Show, "High school with money."
George Lucas went from nerdy blacklisted director to one of the biggest names in showbiz.

She went to Hollywood to break into showbiz, but she's working at McDonalds in Long Beach.

"Girl, you could be in showbiz!" (usually said in an attmept to score)
by blueagave March 22, 2006
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Thrifty, referring to a person. Or sparse, referring to things.
"People who grew up in the Depression seem to be more frugal. They never buy name-brand stuff!"

"Ebenezer Scrooge retired, after long a day of screwing people over, to his dingy apartment to consume his frugal (thin/watery) serving of gruel" --severly paraphrased from Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"
by blueagave March 22, 2006
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1. What a person is really like. Their values, personality, and level of integrity...when no one's looking.

2. One's moral compass.
"...judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." --Martin luther king"

"Our employees are commited to treating you fairly, and are posessed of the highest character."

LACKEY: "The guy can't be bought. He's got character"
CRIME BOSS: "We'll have to wack him then."
by blueagave March 22, 2006
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Synonym of dirt. Usually refers to various forms of caked-on grit, sand, soot, dust, or other solid dirt mixed with sweat, grease, or other liquid binders to make a gritty nasty goo that's hard to clean off.
The steel factory's fixtures are covered with years of grime.

The boys emerged from the mine covered with grime, and rich as Midas.

by blueagave March 22, 2006
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n. A craving for sweet foods or the tendency to have such cravings.
"I need some jelly beans to satisfy my sweet tooth"

"He ruined his appetite because he gave in to his sweet tooth and ate 3 pounds of frosting."
by blueagave March 22, 2006
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v. To doggedly block someone's progress. Originally derived from the nickname a Confederate general "Stonewall" Jackson obtained at the battle of Bull Run (1st or second, i don't recall). The troops said his men were holding back the Union army like a stone wall. Hence Stonewall Jackson. So to stonewall means to delay and generally block someone.
I tried to file my claim, but the insurance agent kept stonewalling.
by blueagave March 22, 2006
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Of or relating to horses.
"He lost his shirt betting on equine competitions."

"The new arabian colt is a paragon of equine grace."
by blueagave March 22, 2006
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