185 definitions by black Flag

1) A sevear blizzard where nothing but snow is visable.
2) A brand of correction fluid
3) To overdose on Cocaine
4) To ejaculate into your own or your partners eye.
Harry suffered a white out. He was not happy.
by black Flag May 31, 2004
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1) to masterbate
2) musical slang - to over indulgue in a guitar solo

(both samething really)
Pete took centre stage and spanked the plank for fifteen minutes before somebody turned his amp off.
by black Flag May 30, 2004
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A natural evolution of glam rock. Noted by their hairspray addictions and spandex trousers hair metal bands first arose on both sides of the Atlantic in the mid 1980's through bands such as Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Wrathchild and LA Guns. Reached a high in the late 80's as the principle form of commercial rock expression before becoming unfashionable with the arrival of grunge in the early 1990's. I never went away and is now undergoing something of a revival through bands such as The Darkness.
Must hear hair metal bands include:-
Poison, Motley Crue, Wrathchild, Smashed Gladys, Pretty Boy Floyd, Love Hate, Girl, Tigertailz, Rankelsson, Hanoi Rocks, Dog's D'Amour, The Quireboys, L.A. Guns, Torme, Tora Tora, The Darkness and Underneath What.
by black Flag June 28, 2004
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UK football (soccar) term

A nasty and cynical hard tackle or blantent foul committed in the early minutes of a game on the most talented member of the opposing term with the single aim to cause pain or injury so the fouled player will think twice before recieving the ball, or trying out his flash skills less he recieves a second helping. Nmaed after the former Wimbledon / Wales central midfielder turned actor who honed this bending of the rules into a fine art. Some times contracted to a Vinny
Beckham was running the game until the central defender did a Vinny (Jones) on him.
by black Flag June 2, 2004
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A scottish footie team, supported largely by the Irish Catholic, community whos supporters are far more open warm and friendly than the bigotted bastards who support Rangers.
For a good evening out watch Celtic play on TV in a Dublin pub.
by black Flag June 3, 2004
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New Wave Of British Heavy Metal

A movement in British rock. To get the full picture you have to understand that the 1976/77 punk explosion drove a lot of mainstream rock bands underground, many of them didn't survive. However the fanbase remained and in pubs and clubs in working class areas such as East London, Newcastle on Tyne and the West Midlands new bands started to form taking on the musician ship of the older 'dinosaur' rock outfits, but using the new punk method of doing things; brash attitudes, agressive sounds, self management / control etc.

The punk movement in the UK started to run out of steam as a mainstream musical form in the summer of 1979 and the new metal bands started to emerge from the pubs and clubs. Early examples were Saxon, Magnum and Raven. They were joined in 1980 by acts that were to become household names - Iron Maiden, Def Leppard etc.

NWOBHM was a very broad church that embrassed art rock (Pallas / Haze), glam (Wrathchild / Tygertailz), Early death and proto-thrash (Venom / Warfare) etc, as well as countless denim and leather bands. (Angelwitch / Demon)

The excepted period for NWOBHM is summer 1979 to autumn 1985. After this point NWOBHM became a tag to refer to bands in the Iron Maiden / Judas Preist vien (Marshall Law / Strangeways / Idol Rich)

The style has since influenced most modern forms of rock and metal.
The term was originally coined by Malcome Dome in the April '79 issue of 'Sounds' magazine.
by black Flag June 5, 2004
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The way the British royal family keeps itself German.
It is illegal for any member of the British family to marry anyone who isn't a blood relative. (Thanks to the 'Royal marriage act' of 1716) Even lady diana was a distant cousin.
by black Flag July 14, 2004
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