17 definitions by bill cauliflower

Refers to either (1) the insanely-early hour in the morning that you have to wake up, or (2) the really, really late hour you stayed up
Dave: "Hey Bill, how's the new job going?"
Me: "Oh my god, I have to get up at ridiculo'clock to catch the early train just to get there by 7. It's killing me...!"

Maria: "You look tired."
Me: "Yeah, I was gonna go to bed early, but ended up binge-watching the new series of 'Hazelton' till ridiculo'clock.
by bill cauliflower September 21, 2023
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Inductrination (n.)
Starting a new job, you're required to attend a one-day 'induction' into the company, and it ends up being an exercise in brain-washing new recruits and indoctrinating them into believing that they are now working for the most awesome business in the universe.
Me: "Hey Dylan, how did Induction Day go at Googbook...?"
Dylan: "Oh wow, it's the best company IN THE FRICKEN WORLD dude, the employee benefits are some of the best, offering opportunities for career growth, work that positively impacts the human race, and innovative culture. We have bicycles and electric cars to get staff to meetings, gaming centers, organic gardens, and eco-friendly furnishings, on-site physicians, nurses, medical services, and health care coverage, and we positively impact society with the applications and technology, which benefit the entire human race. Oh, and of course there's the amazing pro..."
Me: "Whoa man, whoa...! Looks like you've been totally brain-washed in a single day. Forget 'induction', that was a goddamn 'inductrination'...!!
by bill cauliflower March 7, 2021
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(v.) To 'C-19 something' is to cancel it or shut it down due to Coronavirus COVID-19.
Liv: "Man it sucks to be a musician, I had about 20 gigs in the next two months and the venues had to C-19 all of them!"
Ellie: "I know, right! All of mine got C-19'd as well."
by bill cauliflower April 5, 2020
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"We really need to get this done quick. As they say, 'A stitch in time heals all wounds.' "

"Is that a proverb...?"

"Mmmm. Maybe not. It might be an improverb..."
by bill cauliflower February 14, 2019
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Someone who is really smart and switched-on about stuff - especially technology. Someone who can envision curious opportunities that other people don't see. Pretty much a genius who roars off and leaves people in the wake of their intellect...
"Hey, you know that Harry has just developed this out-of-left-field app that will make phone batteries last 10 times longer? Google have paid him about 200 mill..."

"Oh man, brilliant. That guy is such a sparkarse..!"
by bill cauliflower November 1, 2017
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(1) The feeling you get when you have tried to phone a company that has its only contact as a '13' number, and you are on hold for 45 minutes and still can't talk to a real person (or if you do, it is a person in a remote call-centre, whose accent you struggle to understand). And you hang up - effectively giving up.

(2) The feeling you get when you have tried to phone a company that has its only contact as a '13' number, and you are on hold for 30 minutes and you basically give up.

(3) The emotion that washes over you when you realise that you have to call a government agency on a '13' number again to explain stuff that you've already explained, and you realise that you will have to be 'on hold' for a minimum 45 minutes to explain to a different person what you've already told them.
Angi: "I had to call insert company name here on their 13 number again today to see if they knew what was happening with my order, and could they help me. After being on hold for 30 minutes, I hung up."
Bill: "I thought that was all sorted, what happened?"
Angi: "I got one-three fatigue. I just couldn't do it."
by bill cauliflower September 6, 2020
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(n.) a person's particular sphere of influence or domain, be it a house, workplace, or studio. A very specific 'microcosm' of the world.
"Hi Angi. OH WOW, is this your art studio...?"
"Yep, this is my cosm."
"Your cosm?"

"Yeah, the 'Angi-cosm'. This is my world."
by bill cauliflower May 13, 2020
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