11 definitions by bill hinrichsen

a term used in the case when your friend gets drunk off his ass and pisses in a completely public or in appropriate location
last week froelich got so damn drunk that he stood up and pissed on the carpet near his tv
by bill hinrichsen May 1, 2005
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When a woman goes face first into a blowjob
The other day I was out to lunch with Amber and she totally pulled a nosedive under the t.able and showed me that she was going forward
by bill hinrichsen December 14, 2006
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when one of your friends puts on music in his car that he already knows you hate
cmon bob you know i think country is faggy so dont phil collins me here
by bill hinrichsen May 1, 2005
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moderately high

in beetween the stages of easy baked and dutched out
thanks for catchin me a buzz man, im not fuckin ripped, but at least im pretty microwaved
by bill hinrichsen May 1, 2005
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