6 definitions by big_benis_nibba

A retarded League of Legends champion with an even more retarded skill set. Has the ability to prevent you from moving for over 5 minutes and 1 shot you with her ultimate. Anyone playing this champion must be new to the game, or just generally retarded.
Lux player: I started playing Lux, what do you think?
Veigar player: *clap clap* Somehow you found a way to be a bigger autist than I am. I'm impressed, I really am.
by big_benis_nibba July 24, 2019
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The sexiest and most experienced gamer ever to exist.

Can also be used as a synonym for beast.
Judge: *To prosecutor* State your case.
Prosecutor: Mr. Timothy is here because he talked profanities about Jablinski. Would you like me to read some of them?
Judge: Go ahead.
Prosecutor: Ehm, "Jablinski is a trash YouTuber and an even more trash gamer"
Judge: Thank you. I find Mr. Timothy guilty, and sentence him to death.
Mr. Timothy: Wait wh-

Girl 1: Wow, I love Mark, he's so nice and he like defends everyone!
Girl 2: Ikr, he's such a jablinski.
by big_benis_nibba July 24, 2019
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A League of Legends champion who sucks ass. Not only is he referred to as "The boy who shattered time," but also "The boy who shattered my will to live."

P.S I have found rare footage of how Ekko was made in the Gif section.
A: Ekko is trash.
B: Told you.
by big_benis_nibba July 24, 2019
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A champion used by 5 year olds who can't deal with losing
Malphite player: You suck dude I totally would've won that round if I ACTUALLY tried
B:Nigga your KDA was 0/8
by big_benis_nibba July 23, 2019
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The most broken champion in League of Legends. His Q can kill you with no real skill needed.
A: Master Yi is a good champ
B: Uninstall League and kill yourself you retarded pig
by big_benis_nibba July 23, 2019
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