19 definitions by beef

Boobs that belong to a Jewish woman.
Cartman: "You know what a Jewish woman's boobs are called?... Joobs..."
by beef March 29, 2006
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A donkey punching machine of cory. In Africa, a prominent form of venerial disease.
Hey guys...I got buchtaed
by beef March 7, 2003
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when a girl eats too many brownies and then she jumps up and down 4 times and feels them in her belly
by beef December 24, 2003
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a tobacco cigarette

term mainly used in the boonies of Pennsylvania
dude, i need a schnoozer hardcore
by beef October 14, 2003
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i'm all skiied up on tuba!
by beef October 14, 2003
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chewing tobacco

used mainly in the boonies of Pennsylvania

see schnoozer
where's all the toofers at?
by beef October 14, 2003
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Phrase uttered by Mustov when he sees or thinks about something he likes. Usually preceded by "Oh"
Mustov, do you like women?
Mustov: OH YAISE!!!
by beef February 9, 2004
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