17 definitions by barec2

A feeling or precognition that as you enter a room someone or several people have been talking smack on you behind your back.
Guy 1: Dude it was totally jacked-up I walk into the conference room for our staff briefing this morning and everyone just quieted down like I wasn't in on the secret. I'm not trying to be paranoid but.....

Guy 2: Oh no, that's messed up. You better get your 'ressie' together 'cause your hater-senses are telling ya something.
by barec2 April 29, 2009
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The swirling liquid at the bottom of a trash can or dumpster comprised of the remnants of the moisture from all the items currently or previously in said vessel.
Dude watch out for the Dumpster Jus from that trash can when you empty it.
by barec2 March 16, 2009
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The discovery that a minor celebrity you believe to be meh or fig has, in fact, an amazing bum.
Joe: Hey hon why don't we watch Glee?

Mary: I thought you hated that show?

Joe: I did. But that was before I realized Leah Michelle was a Celebuttry!
by barec2 January 6, 2014
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The paralysis and stunned expression one sees on the faces of those who have waited too long for their obligatory Holiday shopping and find themselves faced with a crush of advertising fueled retail zealots at the 11th hour.
#1: "Dude snap out of it we've got to get it over with."

#2: (shaking head and blinking eyes) "Sorry man; just had a fit of Retail Epilepsy when I saw that line and all those people."
by barec2 December 19, 2011
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The faux cough you emit when amongst the company of strangers or a date to mask the sound of an ill timed fart.
Guy 1: 'cough cough'

Guy 2: "Dude, first-off, check your self you may have sharted and secondly that masking cough was weak it didn't drown out the sound and it ain't gonna cover the smell.

Guy 1: Sorry my bad
by barec2 April 23, 2009
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Doesn't get better than that/this
Pronounced 'Dig Butt'
Jim: Met this model last night who's got this thing for coders. It was awesome!

Tim: Dude, DGBTT!
by barec2 May 23, 2009
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When multiple text threads between 2 people become confusingly ordered or arranged due to time lag and or subject matter.
Him: Hey'd you get my last text?
Her: Yeah I told you I'm down for that!
Him: For which? The beach or dinner?
Her: Yes
Him: Hey call me we're just cross-texting. I'm totally confused now.
by barec2 January 25, 2009
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