11 definitions by bAc0Nb0Y

A device/program that can be used to display spoken text on a screen. This is usually used for people who have lost the ability to hear or ARE losing their ability to hear effectively(old people.) This is also used frequently by my friends who go outside to smoke and watch TV through the sliding glass door....the bastards.
1. Dorris can barely hear a train run over her cats, but thanks to closed captioning she can still see what that shit-head Bush has to say about foreign policies.

2. "Yo, turn on the closed captioning. I wanna see what they're saying while I smoke." -friends
by bAc0Nb0Y November 13, 2003
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n, A sandwich that is made when a crazy italian gentleman puts his own hand on a ciabata roll, adds some marinara and then toasts it. Consumption is usually followed by said Italian crying and screaming "WHY?!" while staring at the stump on their arm where their hand used to be.
Joe pulled the Italian Hand Hoagie out of the oven and took a large bite before screaming in agony as he realized he was eating his own hand. "WHY?!" he screamed as he took another bite.
by bAc0Nb0Y July 2, 2009
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n; A sequel to a popular or not so popular movie that has nothing to do with the original save for the name and a few characters. Brought about by Disney's tendency to make a really good movie (Lion King, Aladdin) and then use the name to make a sequel while pouring as little money/time/effort into the project as possible(Lion King 2, Aladdin 2). This maximizes profits while minimizing cost. They also suck. Noticing that Disney makes a lot of money off of such tactics, other famous movie companies have begun to do the same.(Bring It On; Bring It On Again: Both crap, but atleast the first one had attractive women.)

Usually these movies are brought straight to video/dvd to make sure everyone gets it as soon as possible(i.e. Much cheaper to skip the theatre and jump straight to video.)

A simple way to spot a Disney Sequel is the advertisement "Straight to Video" or anything Disney with a two or above on the end of it.
Oh man, "Bring It On Again?" You can tell it's a Disney Sequel just from watching the trailer!

"Lion King 1.5?" Might as well call it "Lion King we butchered the animation, hired no-name voice actors, and added some useless side character to help the excessively deep children's story."
by bAc0Nb0Y January 30, 2004
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The ability to use either your right or left hand equally well in any given situation.
1.Andrea has some real talent when she uses her right hand, but that left of hers really brings it home. That's what I call ambidextrious.

2.Never trust those ambidextrious people, the ability to shake someone's hand and stab them in the back at the same time with either hand is never something to be underestimated.
by bAc0Nb0Y November 10, 2003
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n, Usually a place that lacks any type of hospitable environment. Usually, these places are dry and extremely hot, lacking humidity. At night, these places are dry and extremely cold, but still lacking humidity. If found in one without the proper equipment for survival, one should probably contemplate their creator or suicide.

When mentioning the word "desert," only a smacktard thinks of a gun first.
The Sahara Desert
The Gobi Desert
The Barren Desert of the ugly chick's vagina.
by bAc0Nb0Y March 13, 2005
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v, The act of bag tagging your boyfriend/spouse's balls in front of his father figure. This is usually followed by a lot of weird explanations and red faces.
Erin fishbacked Rob right in front of his catholic father. The poor bastard.
by bAc0Nb0Y January 26, 2004
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A short greeting that was a nice way of saying "Hello." Has since been replaced with:
1. Fo shizzle my nizzle!
2. Wassup?
3. What's happenin'?
4. What up bra?
5. YOOO!
6. How are ya?
7. I'll give you five for her.
8. Hi.
9. Hola, mi amigo, como estas?
"Good day to you, sir" said the fine english gent. "Fuck off bitch," replied the friendly white honkey.
by bAc0Nb0Y November 13, 2003
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