274 definitions by ashley

Someone who is Hawaiian.
A not very nice term though.
by ashley July 3, 2004
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Chick with major attitude. Also called a femiNazi, usually.
by ashley January 22, 2004
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"Self freedom". Freeing yourself, sexually. i.e. Masturbation
Dude, I like totally SF-ed 5 times yesterday...I'm dry.
by ashley March 28, 2005
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A person who likes to suck the pen0r.
Damn, she an Ida. He ugly as fuck too.
by ashley January 27, 2003
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Tracy, otherwise known as Ashley's roommate.
"Tracy, you are the best roommate ever!" says Ashley.
by ashley April 22, 2005
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An actual disease that some people actually have. It has become more and more popular as an adjective for when a person gets distracted or bored.
"Woah, I just got ADD"
"Yeah, I'm so ADD right now"
"... Die."
by ashley February 27, 2005
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