14 definitions by amnesiavictim

The event that occurred when a well known message board collapsed.
The CW Lounge and TheWB suffered a Boardfall.
This left many a kind soul at a loss....and searching for their lost comrades.
by amnesiavictim December 23, 2011
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The collapse of a popular message board that many posters shall miss.
The CW Lounge and TheWB have gone away......Boardfall has left many kind souls at a loss.
by amnesiavictim December 23, 2011
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A person who becomes so wrapped up in texting that they become oblivious to the outside world.
That textoid just caused a 6 car pile-up on the freeway.
by amnesiavictim July 10, 2009
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One who has great knowledge.
A juggler of several trains of thought presented by several types of people.
That hammie has the perfect response for everything....he is very wise.
by amnesiavictim January 7, 2012
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A net poster who creates a (fake) heartfelt scenario to attract bleeding souls.
That 'Kotter'...to think that I actually believed her...what an Emo Bot.
by amnesiavictim October 20, 2012
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Similar to traffic gridlock. Occurs when a fanbase will overload a message board with threads asking to save their show ( that is in danger of cancellation).
Spamlock has cluttered the boards.
This spamlock has been going on for days.
by amnesiavictim April 14, 2009
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Spatter is known as spam tweets on Twitter.
I am tired of the 'You have won a new iPhone' spatter on Twitter.
by amnesiavictim December 30, 2011
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