17 definitions by agra

Cheap, half-hearted.
Can also be applied to people
Random Girl 1: So how was your date last night?
Random Girl 2: Terrible, Ramon is a sleezy dirtbag, he tried to get me laid on the first date and he smells like cheap cologne and fried chicken. What a pendejo!
by agra April 1, 2004
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Term used by us Ocalans used to describe the boredom of the town.
Ocala Kid 1: Sup dude? Wanna hang out somewhere after school?
Ocala Kid 2: We live in Slowcala, bitch, I'm going home to masturbate.
by agra March 30, 2004
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Why the hell would you search for "Ocala," bitch?
by agra April 2, 2004
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I saw Swayla burrying acorns in my yard yesterday. I got pissed at the bitch so I shot it down with my BB Gun.

by agra March 31, 2004
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Cheesy lines used by sleezy guys to "pick up" girls for the night. You know a girl is shallow/stupid/or just straight up horny, if she falls for these.
Random Guy: Wanna come to my house for pizza and a fuck?
Random Girl: Uh.....no....
Random Guy: What's the matter? Don't like pizza?
by agra April 1, 2004
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Random Kid 1: Hey check it out, its that one chick, Suvetha!"
Random Kid 2: Who?
Random Kid 1: Suvetha!
Random Kid 2: WHO?
by agra March 30, 2004
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