7 definitions by adhesives

Someone who prefers to allow things of seeming enjoyment pass them by

Someone who prefers to "stick" (stay, remain) in the "mud" (a metaphor for despression and unhappiness)

derived from "to stick in the mud" ..
The time has come to thicken the blood //
and make no mistake i'm a stick in the mud //
by adhesives April 28, 2003
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so funny that you have to use a stupid abbreviation and a wordgay smily to convey your smotion
CyberBunny789: and then she said "no, that's my modem!"
DrnknJoker99: LoL;)
by adhesives May 10, 2003
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One bad motherf-
*adhesives smirks.
by adhesives May 1, 2003
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a hokey inner city "bye-bye"
The fact that "stay up" isn't in the urban dictionary is proof that only geeked out nerds go to this website.
by adhesives September 1, 2003
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straight up gangsta..
a reflection of many things that don't make sense..
by adhesives May 29, 2003
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