4 definitions by ac 130 inbound

When you say someone's name and start rhyming that name with other words
Person 1: Hey Tristan
Person 2: Hey Jack, Black, Gack, Sack, you have a hunchback, I'll make your ass bounce back
Person 1: Oh, Pulled a tristan
by ac 130 inbound May 14, 2020
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When you say something like "what?" to a thing you said before
Person 1: "There ya go" said strangely
5 mins later
Person 2: "There ya go" said strangely
Person 1: "what?"
Person 2: "Oh, pulling a leona"
by ac 130 inbound May 14, 2020
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A Piste is someone who always start shit and act like they're the victim
Person 1: You're such a ching chong
Person 2: Why are you trying to insult me
Person 1: You always start shit
Person 2: What a Piste!
by ac 130 inbound May 15, 2020
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Person 1: What's your coot bear name again
Person 2: Sticksey
by ac 130 inbound June 3, 2019
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