10 definitions by abitbiz.com

"Not" or "don't." The insertion of "fake" in a sentence reverses the meaning of the sentence. Can be used like "not" as in Wayne's World.
I fake remember that.
Yeah, that's a good idea...fake.
by abitbiz.com May 12, 2004
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(1) A foot that is larger than its counterpart(s) due to genetics, a medical condition, or an injury.

(2) A foot that is encumbered by large, clunky footwear (usually a cast, prescription shoe, or woman's platform shoe.)

Inspired by the "Frankenstein" monster of popular folklore.
(1) Her grotesque frankenfoot frequently became caught in elevator doors, but was a formidable weapon on the soccer field.

(2) Jessica longed to be rid of the frankenfoot her ankle injury had bestowed upon her.
by abitbiz.com July 19, 2004
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A college major completely self-defined by the student, to be completed in no less than ten years, and not to exceed the undergraduate level. Classes are to be completely free (paid for by university employment), and to be taken at irregular intervals. May include free overseas trips, a.k.a. "study abroad."
Keelan is still working on his Keelan Major
by abitbiz.com June 15, 2004
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The reason a person is not coming to a given event. Literally, "itchy penis." Comes from the phrase "itchy vagina," which came from the phrase "his vagina hurts."
Bill's not coming out. He has an itchy peter.
Yeah, I understand. Sometimes my peter itches, too.
by abitbiz.com May 13, 2004
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A two-person game played with a beach ball. Players stand approximately 15 feet apart and take turns kicking the beach ball towards the other person's crotch. The receiver must toe the line and can't move. First person to touch a knee to the ground or forfeit loses. Dodging the blow results in another kick. Best played in mesh shorts.
Jon's sensitive nuts made him bad at junk ball.
by abitbiz.com May 13, 2004
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Exercise involving the penis.
I haven't been getting much penersize lately, so my penis is getting a bit of a gut.
Grab me that weight and some rope so I can do my penersizes.
by abitbiz.com May 13, 2004
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Someone who is constantly correcting others. Specifically, Jason from the Walk of Shame Morning Show.
Captain Correcto! (dum-da-dummm)
Thanks a lot, Captain Correcto.
by abitbiz.com May 13, 2004
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