5 definitions by a fat male

This is used in a discussion or argument when somebody is either too lazy or unable to make a counter point, to make fun of the other person.
Person #1: Your mum's fat!
Person #2: You've never seen her before.
Person #1: "You've never seen her before" 🤓
by a fat male May 31, 2022
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An emoji nowadays used to make fun of someone who took time to explain something or come up with an argument that may be perceived as smart, complicated or nerdy, usually because the one using this emoji is either too lazy to make a counter-argument or cannot think of one.
Person 1: Person 2's got a small wiener!

Person 2: Unlike, I don't waste time measuring my reproductive organs.
Person 1: "I dOnt WasTe tiMe mEasUrInG mY rEprOduCtIvE oRgaNs." 🤓
by a fat male June 27, 2022
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An African slang term used to describe illiterate, unfashionable women who lack common sense. In general, a stupid girl.
Naw look at dis ras girl Rachael... she dey wear Gele at work
by a fat male February 26, 2022
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A stupid word used by sensitive, overweight Tiktok girls who in extremely stupid cases will label skinny people as this word.
Written by an overweight male
Don't you dare tell me what's good for my health you fatphobic, anorexic bitch!
by a fat male December 24, 2021
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In video games, an annoying-to-deal-with way to play against others in a combat-oriented/fighting game in which a player uses the terrain to their advantage, for example jumping on platforms to gain the high ground.

It isn't really "abuse", just the USE of terrain, but due to how annoying and unfair it is, people call it abuse.
Timmy: No fair! You terrain abused while using Ryu!!
James: DNC, you're the Chun-Li spamming Kikoken all game.
by a fat male June 5, 2022
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