15 definitions by Zalis

blue falcon

Vehicle seen in all incarnations of the game "F-Zero."
The Blue Falcon is a well-balanced car that's good for beginners learning the game.
by Zalis December 3, 2003
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Term for a volunteer soldier in the American Revolution, who were supposed to be ready to fight against the British at a minute's notice. These were often nothing more than farmers that happened to have a gun or two lying around.
Let us not confuse "minuteman," a man who quickly goes off to be a soldier, with minute man, a man whose soldier goes off too quickly.
by Zalis January 26, 2004
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ke ke

A representation of laughter sometimes attributed to people of Asian origin. Sometimes includes more ke's.
kekekekekeke omg zergrush (credit to SomethingAwful Comedy Goldmine for this example)
by Zalis August 12, 2004
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Heavily congested freeway that runs generally through the west-central part of Los Angeles, California.

(There are also interstate highways with this number in Washington & Oregon, but the California version is the most famous.)
The gridlock on the 405 is legendary throughout the country.
by Zalis December 8, 2003
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A word which, like whom, has come to be thought of as overly formal and stuffy in American speech. In current use, it indicates a very strong intention or will to do something.

Traditionally, shall is used as an auxilliary to form the future tense for the first person: ("I" and "we")

I shall go
you will go
he/she/it will go
we shall go
they will go

Negative: shall not, contracted as shan't.
This service was atrocious! We shan't be coming back here again!
by Zalis August 3, 2004
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Any disc recieved from America Online that contains its product. Since using the programs represents a net inefficiency for your time, it is better to use them as coasters that you can set your drinks on, lest you damage a wood or other valuable surface.
I got so many AOL 9.0 coasters last month, I glued them to my ceiling and now it's shiny, disco-style.
by Zalis April 5, 2005
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1) A noun that has lost its amateur status.
2) A word that replaces a common or proper noun. Pronouns can fall into sub-categories: subject, object, relative, prepositional, interrogative, reflexive, and demonstrative.
by Zalis February 6, 2004
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