43 definitions by Ysengrim

The period 1960-1969 seen from the point of view of its blatant stereotyping of women. The term applies mainly to fashion, TV, and show business, specially the part of them which is ridiculously undermining women and womanhood.
A female captain for the old Enterprise would have been a great idea, but, hey, what can you do. This was the SexistSixties...
by Ysengrim January 3, 2004
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The situation of having an excessively proeminent cock. Mistakenly considered an asset, the fact of being cocky is actually a major flaw in the process of feminization. A he-female dominatrix wants her slutboy to become less cocky, and takes the proper actions to reach that aim, using among other instruments, a cock-eraser. Sometimes she can be slightly entertained by a cocky slutboy. She then makes him temporarily wear a cock ring.
The Mistress: You are definitely too cocky, my little ladyboy. We will have to squeeze your arrogance very very tight from now on.

The slut boy: My arrogance? You mean: my genitals?

The Mistress: Male genitals, male arrogance. It is the exact same thing, cocky boy. Come here. Put that cock-eraser on for me. Let's get to business.
by Ysengrim January 2, 2004
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The anus, when it has been properly converted into a sexual zone in the process of feminization of a {slutboy.
The Mistress: Keep dildoing, slutboy, keep working... Soon we will turn this meaningless hole of yours into a fair slit-ass.
by Ysengrim January 2, 2004
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An homosexual actress who, in 1997 managed to play the role of an homosexual woman who decides to stop to be a crypto-lesbian. Both the character and the actress ended up coming out simultaneously... and on National TV.
Thank to people like Ellen DeGeneres, we will come to the plain understanding of the fact that a lesbian is just another ordinary person.
by Ysengrim January 2, 2004
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Idolator of children, in a non sexual sense. Differently from the moo, the pedolator adores the children of others, because s/he does not have his or her own (yet). Pedolators believe that the fundamental philosophical truths of existence are coming from the action and comments of children. So, they adore children, they want to become teachers, camp animators, baby sitters, etc. Parenting is often the best remedy to pedolator tendancies, since pedolators are often nothing other than the unexperienced tourists of parenthood.
My baby sitter is such a pedolator. She sees in my kids more than they will ever deliver. She will loose her illusions when she will turn to a mother.
by Ysengrim January 2, 2004
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An atheist Dutch philosopher of 17th century who largely inspired Karl Marx.
As Spinoza puts it: the belief in our liberty is only the flaw of the knowledge we have of our limitations and determinations.
by Ysengrim January 2, 2004
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An iconoclast on the subject of children. Somebody who is tired of the moo and the pedolator stand, and who decided that children can be laughed at and trivialized as any other being in the world, no more no less.
Let's be pedoclast about all this for a minut. Maybe the kid is just plain stupid!
by Ysengrim January 2, 2004
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