26 definitions by Yourmomsboyfriend

Bro 1: "I asked the waitress down in Tijuana what playlist they were playing at the restaurant on Spotify and she said it was JewTube.. what the fuck is JewTube??"

Bro 2: "No, retard. She meant YouTube, that's just how they pronounce it down there. Lol. Dumbass."
by Yourmomsboyfriend July 10, 2019
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When attractive parents birth an ugly child.
“You were definitely a make-a-wish sperm, dude.”
by Yourmomsboyfriend April 3, 2023
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A person, typically male, of legal adult age that doesn't act his age, but is obsessed with Marvel/DC comics and movies. Most likely a virgin or has very little experience with getting laid and women in general. Typically skinnyfat or otherwise out of shape. 50/50 is fat with a beard and constantly talks about how bearded guys rule or some other nonsense. More likely than not has a "gaming station" with Cheeto dust covered keyboard. A frequent patron of the comic con festivals. Ferociously defends fictional female Marvel/DC characters on twitter from "chads". The older this person is, the more of a marvelcel they are (see 30's, 40's). Probably has a sword of some sort in the bedroom.

The suffix -cel comes from the word incel.

Also synonymous with marvelfag.
Two bros walking downtown noticing a line of out of shape, balding males in their 30's into a venue:

Bro 1: "Dude, what the fuck is going on here?"

Bro 2: "A bunch of marvelcels waiting to get an autograph from Scarlett Johansson because she was in some PG flick for kids"

Bro 1: "Sad fucks"
by Yourmomsboyfriend July 24, 2019
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Or Scumradery..

1. Scumraderie is the same thing as comraderie, but among scumbags. Sort of like spirit of goodwill.

2. Can also be between comrades, but to the detriment of others.

Definition 1 example:

We Buy Gold owner 1 (on the phone): "hey buddy, this guy came in and i low balled him so he's coming to your store for another quote. make sure you fuck him over!"

We Buy Gold owner 2 (on the phone with WBG owner 1): "hey thanks boss. i'll throw some money back your way!"

Definition 2 example:

Guy 1: Heather suspected that you had a girlfriend, but I told her that you broke up and I also talked you up, so you're golden for some nice anal tonight, buddy.

Guy 2: Fuck yeah bro, you're a real comrade. I'm gonna talk her into a threesome with both of us!
by Yourmomsboyfriend February 27, 2013
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cock cluster is similar in definition to sausage fest or cock fest, a synonym really. it means that a party or event consists predominantly of male participants thus making it a cluster of males or cocks in comparison to females at the event.
Guy 1: holy shit bro, this place is a fuckin cock cluster. i'm steppin over dick with every step.

Guy 2: yeah man, lets ditch this place and go to {another bar/club name here}, i heard there's more pussy there.
by Yourmomsboyfriend February 9, 2010
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