26 definitions by Yourmomsboyfriend

the motion of erect or semi erect penis when it swings from side to side when you walk around naked. like when you're having sex all around the house and you need to take the act into the kitchen for whatever reason, as you walk over, the penis in its erect form will swing or swagger from side to side. try it next time!
guy 1: yesterday me and my girl stayed in and fucked all day long. we did it everywhere around the house. she wanted to get fucked on the kitchen counter so as we walked over to the kitchen, i got the cock swagger going on. it turned her on so much that she got on her knees halfway through and started sucking off until i busted in her mouth

guy 2: holy shit dude.. thanks for a graphic representation.

guy 1: hey, thats why we're friends, right?
by Yourmomsboyfriend March 9, 2010
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1. a person, that resembles one of the family members of the brady bunch, not by looks per se, but mainly by behavior that fits that "perfect, white american" mold.

2. a faggot or a homosexual

3. a pussy of a person, a whimp, a bitch (not female)
1. just talking to that guy gives me the fuckin creeps. that perfect, tv commercial looking face, with his perfect, slicked haircut, his american eagle outfit from his underwear to his sweater, and his radio commercial voice.. fuckin brady buncher, man.

2. dude that guy just bought me a beer at the bar, he was kinda cool.... he's a fuckin brady buncher man, look at him staring at your ass.. holy shit! you're right

3. don't be such a brady buncher, bro. just man up and accept the fact that you're no longer with that whore of an ex-girlfriend of yours. its a good thing you guys broke up. she was fucking half of the staff at the dairy queen on 4th and rural.
by Yourmomsboyfriend March 9, 2010
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When you see someone who is zooted, or they are in the process of getting stoned.
Check out Ryker, going into eco mode!”
by Yourmomsboyfriend April 6, 2023
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an ass stamina is the measurement of the ability of a girl (...or a guy) to take an immense amount of pounding (intercourse) in the lower opening of the alimentary canal (i.e. anus or asshole). for anal intercourse lovers, ass stamina plays an important role in the process; the more ass stamina the receiving person has, the more enjoyment both parties (giving and receiving) will get out of the intercourse.
a lot of ass stamina can be seen in people exhibiting the constant need for anal intercourse even after the prolonged, hard pounding has been performed on their anus by the giving party.

my girl sure has a lot of ass stamina. i was going blitzkrieg on that ass for over 30 minutes until i almost passed out and she still wanted me to pound it more. her asshole was gaping so much i could easily fit my fist in it.
by Yourmomsboyfriend March 9, 2010
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Pretty much everywhere outside MERICA. Places like Europe, Australia, Canada, and a bunch of other soyboy cuck breeding grounds. Also, states like California and New York and most of the East/West coastline. Places that don't respect individual rights and are collectivist shitholes.
European Soycuckistan: "We need to ban free speech because nobody should be offended by words. Only approved speech should be allowed. Its for the GREATER GOOD."

MERICA: "What a fucking mess. Keep you Soycuckistan to yourselves and stay the fuck away from us or we'll glass crater your ass."
by Yourmomsboyfriend December 15, 2018
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any gun, really. preferably something with a lot of punch to it, like a mossberg 500 tactical short barreled shotgun, or a .40 cal smitty. a higher caliber gun. however, any gun can be called a nigga repellant to repel niggaz off you in a tight situation.

note: nigga does not mean nigger in this instance, but means a guy, dude.

the terminology originally comes from the movie Jackie Brown, where Ordell tells Jackie that she's so good looking that when she goes into a bar on a saturday night, she will need a nigga repellant to keep motherfuckers off her.. kind of like a bug spray but for horny men.

in this definition however, this means a gun that keeps fools off you when you're in trouble
guy 1: check this mossy 500 i just bought. shit's sick huh?

guy 2: fuck man! if thats not a nigga repellant, i dont know what is. straight up.


guy 1: if we're going down there im grabbin my nigga repellant with me. im not gettin stuck with a hot one tonight (grabs his 9mm)
by Yourmomsboyfriend March 9, 2010
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A term to describe a person who exhibits disgusting and/or repulsive characteristics of moral or physical character.. or both.

Can also be used to describe a place/country/setting.. etc.
two friends on vacation in Bangkok:

friend 1: dude, lets go get us some legit foot massage, my feet are hurting from all the walking around

friend 2: nah man, think of how many nasty ass feet these people touch every day. its disgusting.

friend 1: oh, but you're totally ok with having a bar girl suck your dick with no condom on you fucking filth bucket.

friend 2: don't judge me bro
by Yourmomsboyfriend January 1, 2019
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