24 definitions by Wang

= to do u want to have sex. if they say yes then...sex is on. unless of course its the czar of russia then its a lil out of line
-hey baby u want to go out for Coffee...
--yea sure
-Great!...oh u mean coffee. not Coffee..yes yes coffee would be fine
by Wang March 25, 2004
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From the classic Mike Hammer film noir Kiss Me Deadly, it refers to a nebulous but potentially devastating threat that consumes a private detective or an entire nation. Much of its terror comes by way of implication. Examples include the communists of the 1950s, the One Ring and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
"Why is there no apostrophe in the great whatsit," the student asked.
"Don't ask stupid questions," the professor replied. "Its existence is simply a fact."
by Wang April 25, 2005
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he badillas himself for pleasure
by Wang May 12, 2003
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Korn is hella better than this band.
I took a huge shit, and it reaked of consign as i flushed it.
by Wang March 17, 2004
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Creator and admin of the place that doesn't exist. Due to his popularity and authority over there, he tends to get lots of suck-ups (see: the other definition)
Damn it LlamaGuy, even when 90% of the people were against it you STILL turned it into PUBLIClinks.
by Wang September 11, 2004
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