4 definitions by Wallyman

The name of big fisherman that usually comes from the state of Wisconsin. If you find a Wohlt, ull find the fish.
Wohlt is also a major alcoholic, a huge dumbass that will not go to collage, and often gets confused with the ladies.
Guy #1: Why cant i catch any fish?
Guy #2: It's because fucking wohlt caught them all.
by Wallyman July 12, 2011
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When you want to say “fuck off,” but you have kids present
Dylan’s parents were having an argument at the dinner table, when his father finally couldn’t take it anymore and yelled “ just fart away, Lillian, fart away.”
by Wallyman April 24, 2022
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A term used to greet your baby girl when you haven't seen her for a while
I just saw my girlfriend for the first time in 5 days

Me: hello boo
by Wallyman November 16, 2013
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